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Skiba, Vanessa
The European Alps are amongst the regions with highest glacier mass loss rates over the last decades. Under the threat of ongoing climate change, the...
Rasche, Daniel; Blume, T.; Güntner, A.
Ground-based soil moisture measurements at the field scale are highly beneficial for different hydrological applications, including the validation of...
Deng, Qinglin; Schmittbuhl, Jean; Cacace, Mauro; Blöcher, G.
We study how the normal stiffness and the permeability of a realistic rough fracture at the field scale are linked and evolve during its closure up ...
Rasche, Daniel; Güntner, A.; Blume, T.; Dietrich, Peter
Water stored in the unsaturated soil as soil moisture is a key component of the hydrological cycle influencing numerous hydrological processes includ...