date: 2017-10-13T12:54:10Z pdf:PDFVersion: 1.6 pdf:docinfo:title: Broadband Recordings for LITHOS-CAPP: LITHOspheric Structure of Caledonian, Archaean and Proterozoic Provinces, Sep. 2014 - Oct. 2016, Sweden and Finland xmp:CreatorTool: PDF24 Creator dc:description: LITHOS-CAPP is the German contribution to the international ScanArray experiment. ScanArray is an array of broadband seismometers with which we aim to study the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the Scandinavian Mountains and the Baltic Shield. LITHOS-CAPP contributed 20 broadband recording stations from September 2014 to October 2016, 10 in Sweden and 10 in Finland, continuously recordings at 100 samples per second. The stations were deployed by the KIT Geophysical Institute and GFZ section 2.4 (seismology). They form part of the temporary network ScanArrayCore (FDSN network code 1G 2012-2017) Keywords: Seismology; temporary broadband seismic experiment; lithospheric structure; Scandinavia access_permission:modify_annotations: true access_permission:can_print_degraded: true subject: LITHOS-CAPP is the German contribution to the international ScanArray experiment. ScanArray is an array of broadband seismometers with which we aim to study the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the Scandinavian Mountains and the Baltic Shield. LITHOS-CAPP contributed 20 broadband recording stations from September 2014 to October 2016, 10 in Sweden and 10 in Finland, continuously recordings at 100 samples per second. The stations were deployed by the KIT Geophysical Institute and GFZ section 2.4 (seismology). They form part of the temporary network ScanArrayCore (FDSN network code 1G 2012-2017) dc:creator: M. description: LITHOS-CAPP is the German contribution to the international ScanArray experiment. ScanArray is an array of broadband seismometers with which we aim to study the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the Scandinavian Mountains and the Baltic Shield. LITHOS-CAPP contributed 20 broadband recording stations from September 2014 to October 2016, 10 in Sweden and 10 in Finland, continuously recordings at 100 samples per second. The stations were deployed by the KIT Geophysical Institute and GFZ section 2.4 (seismology). They form part of the temporary network ScanArrayCore (FDSN network code 1G 2012-2017) dcterms:created: 2017-10-13T09:14:16Z Last-Modified: 2017-10-13T12:54:10Z dcterms:modified: 2017-10-13T12:54:10Z dc:format: application/pdf; version=1.6 title: Broadband Recordings for LITHOS-CAPP: LITHOspheric Structure of Caledonian, Archaean and Proterozoic Provinces, Sep. 2014 - Oct. 2016, Sweden and Finland xmpMM:DocumentID: uuid:62c0544c-b252-11e7-0000-15739b86ca75 Last-Save-Date: 2017-10-13T12:54:10Z pdf:docinfo:creator_tool: PDF24 Creator access_permission:fill_in_form: true pdf:docinfo:keywords: Seismology; temporary broadband seismic experiment; lithospheric structure; Scandinavia pdf:docinfo:modified: 2017-10-13T12:54:10Z meta:save-date: 2017-10-13T12:54:10Z pdf:encrypted: false dc:title: Broadband Recordings for LITHOS-CAPP: LITHOspheric Structure of Caledonian, Archaean and Proterozoic Provinces, Sep. 2014 - Oct. 2016, Sweden and Finland modified: 2017-10-13T12:54:10Z cp:subject: LITHOS-CAPP is the German contribution to the international ScanArray experiment. ScanArray is an array of broadband seismometers with which we aim to study the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the Scandinavian Mountains and the Baltic Shield. LITHOS-CAPP contributed 20 broadband recording stations from September 2014 to October 2016, 10 in Sweden and 10 in Finland, continuously recordings at 100 samples per second. The stations were deployed by the KIT Geophysical Institute and GFZ section 2.4 (seismology). They form part of the temporary network ScanArrayCore (FDSN network code 1G 2012-2017) pdf:docinfo:subject: LITHOS-CAPP is the German contribution to the international ScanArray experiment. ScanArray is an array of broadband seismometers with which we aim to study the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the Scandinavian Mountains and the Baltic Shield. LITHOS-CAPP contributed 20 broadband recording stations from September 2014 to October 2016, 10 in Sweden and 10 in Finland, continuously recordings at 100 samples per second. The stations were deployed by the KIT Geophysical Institute and GFZ section 2.4 (seismology). They form part of the temporary network ScanArrayCore (FDSN network code 1G 2012-2017) Content-Type: application/pdf pdf:docinfo:creator: Grund X-Parsed-By: org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser creator: M. meta:author: M. dc:subject: Seismology; temporary broadband seismic experiment; lithospheric structure; Scandinavia meta:creation-date: 2017-10-13T09:14:16Z created: Fri Oct 13 11:14:16 CEST 2017 access_permission:extract_for_accessibility: true access_permission:assemble_document: true xmpTPg:NPages: 31 Creation-Date: 2017-10-13T09:14:16Z access_permission:extract_content: true access_permission:can_print: true meta:keyword: Seismology; temporary broadband seismic experiment; lithospheric structure; Scandinavia Author: M. producer: GPL Ghostscript 9.21 access_permission:can_modify: true pdf:docinfo:producer: GPL Ghostscript 9.21 pdf:docinfo:created: 2017-10-13T09:14:16Z