gfzpof1074|p3 PT1 Global Processes gfzpof1075|p3 PT2 Plate Boundary Systems gfzpof1076|p3 PT3 Earth Surface and Climate Interactions gfzpof1077|p3 PT4 Natural Hazards gfzpof1078|p3 PT5 Georesources gfzpof1079|p3 PT6 Atmo gfzpof1080|p3 PT7 Ene gfzpof1081|p3 PT8 Oceans gfzpof50098|p4 MESI gfzpof50093|p4 T1 Atmosphere gfzpof50094|p4 T2 Ocean and Cryosphere gfzpof50095|p4 T3 Restless Earth gfzpof50096|p4 T5 Future Landscapes gfzpof50097|p4 T8 Georesources