Researcher Portfolio
He, K.
1.2 Global Geomonitoring and Gravity Field, 1.0 Geodesy, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum
Researcher Profile
Position: 1.2 Global Geomonitoring and Gravity Field, 1.0 Geodesy, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum
Researcher ID:
: Tian, Y., Xu, G., He, K., Xu, Y., & Jiang, N. (2016). An approach to improve the GPS positioning performance under urban environment conditions. Measurement, 93, 414-420. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2016.07.021. [PubMan] : He, K., Xu, G., Xu, T., & Flechtner, F. (2016). GNSS Navigation and Positioning for the GEOHALO Experiment in Italy. GPS Solutions, 20(2), 215-224. doi:10.1007/s10291-014-0430-4. [PubMan] : He, K. (2015). GNSS kinematic position and velocity determination for airborne gravimetry. PhD Thesis, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Potsdam. [PubMan] : Semmling, M., Beckheinrich, J., Wickert, J., Beyerle, G., Schön, S., Fabra, F., Pflug, H., He, K., Schwabe, J., & Scheinert, M. (2014). Sea surface topography retrieved from GNSS reflectometry phase data of the GEOHALO flight mission. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(3), 954-960. doi:10.1002/2013GL058725. [PubMan] : Xu, T., He, K., & Xu, G. (2012). Orbit determination and thrust force modeling for a maneuvered GEO satellite using two-way adaptive Kalman filtering. Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 55(4), 738-745. doi:10.1007/s11433-012-4670-4. [PubMan]