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Most Recently Released Items

Hounkpè, Jean; Merz, B.; Badou, Félicien D.; Bossa, Aymar Y. ...
Floods are among the most devastating natural disasters and are expected to become more severe with changing climate and population growth. Flood for...
Yuan, Xiaoping; Li, Yuqiang; Brune, Sascha; Li, Kai ...
Crustal thickening associated with orogenic growth elevates topography, causing orographic enhancement of precipitation, which in turn facilitates lo...
Li, Kai; Brune, Sascha; Erdos, Zoltan; Neuharth, Derek ...
Many of the world's rifts and rifted margins have developed within former orogens. The South China Sea (SCS) formed during Cenozoic rifting by utiliz...
Fernandez, Naiara; Scheck-Wenderoth, Magdalena; Cacace, Mauro; Gholamrezaie, E.
The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) extends for over 1,000 km across Türkiye and poses significant seismic hazard in the region. The Main Marmara Fault (...