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Most Recently Released Items

Rosaria, Gallipoli Maria; Tragni, Nicola; Serlenga, Vincenzo; Petrovic, B.
In the context of health monitoring of structures/infrastructure, we propose a combination of different rapid and non-invasive experimental methods t...
Schoenberg, Frederic; Schorlemmer, Danijel
In honor of our dear departed friends Yan Kagan, Dave Jackson, and Ilya Zaliapin, we propose a selection of broad questions regarding earthquake fore...
Schoepfer, Elisabeth; Lauterjung, J.; Riedlinger, Torsten; Spahn, Harald ...
We live in a rapidly changing and globalized society. The increasing interdependence and interconnection of our economic, social and technical system...
Tschauner, Oliver; Navon, Oded; Schmidt, C.; Wirth, R. ...
Up to 17 GPa, the crystalline phases of N2 are characterized by pronounced orientational disorder, whereas the higher-pressure phases of molecular N2...