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Most Recently Released Items

Merz, B.; Nguyen, D.; Guse, Björn; Kreibich, H. ...
Risikoabschätzungen sind eine wichtige Grundlage für das Management von Hochwasserrisiken und für Klimaanpassungsstrategien. Für größere Regionen ba...
Arheimer, Berit; Cudennec, Christophe; Castellarin, Attilio; Grimaldi, Salvatore ...
The new scientific decade (2023-2032) of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) aims at searching for sustainable solutions to...
Vuolo, F.; Berger [Richter], Katja; Atzberger, C.
In the context of defining a procedure for near real time land use/land cover (LULC) mapping with seasonal updated products, this research examines t...
Berger [Richter], Katja; Atzberger, C.; Vuolo, F.; D'Urso, G.
The present study aimed at testing the potential of the future E.O. mission Sentinel-2 (European GMES programme) for the operational estimation of th...