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Kaiser, K.; Derner, Krystof; Petr, Libor; Kocár, Petr ...
The methodically complex analysis of alluvial sediments from stream valleys makes it possible to reconstruct the medieval and early modern history of...
Metzger, Sabrina; Lazecky, Milan
The European Alps exhibit extremely low (<2 mm/yr) horizontal deformation rates caused by the anticlockwise rotation of the Adriatic lithosphere. Upl...
Metzger, Sabrina; Uddin, Md Aftab; Mouslopoulou, Vasiliki; Begg, John ...
Located on the overriding plate of the Hellenic subduction margin, the 250 km-long island of Crete offers a unique opportunity to study curved-forear...
Kakar, Najibullah; Metzger, Sabrina; Schöne, T.; Motagh, M. ...
We present high-resolution subsidence maps for whole Afghanistan, and, in a higher resolution, for Kabul and Ghazni provinces. These data are complem...