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The Joint Open Access Transformation Task Group of the Working Groups “Open Science” and “Library and Information Management” and the Helmholtz Open Science Office
The open access movement, which was set in motion at the latest by the Berlin Declaration in 2003, went hand in hand with the goal of transforming t...
Boergens, Eva; Güntner, A.; Dobslaw, H.; Dahle, C.
The GRACE‐FO satellites launched in May 2018 are able to quantify the water mass deficit in Central Europe during the two consecutive summer droughts...
Linthe, Hans-Joachim
The measurement series of the three geomagnetic observatories Potsdam, Seddin and Niemegk spans more than 130 years, starting in 1890. It is one of t...
Basili, R.; Taccone, R.; Vallone, R.; Maesano, F. E.
The European Fault-Source Model 2020 (EFSM20) was initially designed as a product of the EU H2020 Project SERA (WP25-JRA3) to fulfill the requirement...