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Most Recently Released Items

Zingerle, P.; Romeshkani, M.; Haas, Julian; Gruber, T. ...
We investigate the benefits of future quantum accelerometers based on cold atom interferometry (CAI) on current and upcoming satellite gravity missio...
Schultze, Dina S.; Wirth, R.; Wunder, B.; Wilke, Max ...
The synthesis of the Al2SiO5 polymorphs kyanite, sillimanite and andalusite in a pure Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (ASH) system has long been known to be impeded....
Dai, Jingjing; Liu, Jianfeng; Yang, Jianxiong; Xue, Fujun ...
Source properties and stress fields are critical to understand fundamental mechanisms for fluid-induced earthquakes. In this study, we identify the f...
Lipus, Daniel; Jia, Zeyu; Kallmeyer, J.
Understanding microbial behavior in high CO2 subsurface systems is pivotal for CO2 capture and mitigation and achieving long-term climate goals. Ge...