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Gamboa-Canté, Carlos; Arroyo Solórzano, Mario; Benito, Belén; Aguilar, Jorge ...
Central America is a seismically active region located in a tectonic setting dominated by the subduction zone between the Cocos and Caribbean plates,...
González, Álvaro
Earthquake catalogs are heterogeneous, especially those developed over long time spans. Changes in seismological monitoring, which provides the recor...
Li, Yuxin; Pan, Pengzhi; Miao, Shuting; Feng, Yujie
The construction of a lunar base is deemed a significant move for mankind's exploration into deep space. Geopolymer solidification is considered as a...
Rosaria, Gallipoli Maria; Tragni, Nicola; Serlenga, Vincenzo; Petrovic, B.
In the context of health monitoring of structures/infrastructure, we propose a combination of different rapid and non-invasive experimental methods t...