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Flechtner, Frank; Reigber, C.; Rummel, R.; Balmino, Georges
Since Kepler, Newton and Huygens in the seventeenth century, geodesy has been concerned with determining the figure, orientation and gravitational fi...
Flechtner, Frank; Boergens, Eva; Sasgen, Ingo
Die zeitlichen Variationen des Schwerefelds der Erde sind einzigartige Beobachtungen, die erst mit GRACE und nun GRACE-FO ermöglicht wurden. Die Date...
Balidakis, K.; Sulzbach, Roman; Shihora, Linus; Dahle, C. ...
To mitigate temporal aliasing effects in monthly mean global gravity fields from the GRACE and GRACE-FO satellite tandem missions, both tidal and non...
Schreiner, Patrick Alexander; König, R.; Neumayer, Karl; Reinhold, Anton
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is one of the Associate Analysis Centers of the International Doppler Orbito...