borehole logging, downhole measurements downhole data, reference gamma ray, trajectory,
temperature profile, composite log
This report describes the KTB Borehole Measurements Data of the German Continental Deep Drilling
Program (Kontinentales Tiefbohrprogramm der Bundesrepublik Deutschland), operated by the GFZ
German Research Centre for Geosciences. Extensive borehole measurements were performed during
the active drilling phase of the KTB pilot and main hole (1989-1994). This report provides the full
description of the logging data. Please read it thoroughly to avoid inappropriate or wrong use of the
The terms borehole measurements, downhole logging, and logging are used synonymously here.
The KTB logging data files contain the final processed versions of the geoscientific borehole logging
data from logs in the two KTB boreholes:
Boreholes Geographic Coordinates (WGS84)
KTB-Oberpfalz VB (KTB Vorbohrung/Pilot Hole or KTB-VB) 49.8153 N, 12.118 E
KTB-Oberpfalz HB (KTB Hauptbohrung/Main Hole or KTB-HB) 49.8152 N, 12.1205 E