definitive data, INTERMAGNET, geomagnetism, magnetism, observatory, definitive
Definitive digital values of the Earth's mangetic field recorded during 2014 at INTERMAGNET observatories around the world. Data includes minute, hourly and daily vector values, along with observatory baseline values for quality control. Annual means are also included. All data is included on the single downloadable archive file (gzipped tar format) available from this landing page. This is the 24th annual publication in the series. Some national data institutions may have related DOIs that describe subsets of the data. These DOIs are shown under "Related DOIs to be quoted".
For more information on the data formats used in this publication and the technical standards used to create the data, please refer to the INTERMAGNET Technical Manual and the Technical note TN6 "INTERMAGNET Definitive One-second Data Standard".