geophysics, controlled-source seismic survey, onshore, offshore, continental margin, Namibia, Walvis Ridge
This dataset contains data of a reflection seismic profile in North-Western Namibia. The measurements were carried out in continuation of the LISPWAL project aiming to decipher the lithospheric structure of the Namibian passive margin at the intersection with the Walvis Ridge (Ryberg et al., 2014a, b; 2015). Scientific aims were a) to produce a high-resolution image of the reflectivity of the lower-crustal high-velocity body revealed by wide-angle observations; b) an improved understanding of how continental crust and plume head interact, c) to investigate what the extent and volumes of magmatic underplating are, and d) to understand how and which inherited (continental) structures might have been involved and utilized in the break up process. The dataset contains seismic data, including raw and SEG Y files, of the controlled-source survey in North-Western Namibia (Kaokoveld) using near-vertical reflection seismic methods.
Additional Information
The Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam (GIPP) provides field instruments for (temporary) seismological studies (both controlled source and earthquake seismology) and for magnetotelluric (electromagnetic) experiments. The GIPP is operated by the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. The instrument facility is open for academic use. Instrument applications are evaluated and ranked by an external steering board. See Haberland and Ritter (2016) and for more information.