Free keywords:
Earthquake catalog, Marmara region, near-fault monitoring, SMARTnet, GONAF
The dataset presented here is an earthquake catalog for the central Sea of Marmara (Turkey) obtained by applying a traditional STA/LTA technique to the continuous waveforms. The magnitude of completeness of this catalog is MW = 1.4. The full description of the data processing and creation of the catalog is provided in the paper “Near - fault monitoring reveals combined seismic and slow activation of a fault branch within the Istanbul-Marmara seismic gap in NW Turkey” published by Martínez-Garzón et al., in Seismological Research Letters.
The data are provided as the following two ASCII tables:
The file 2021-004_Martinez-Garcon-et-al_Initial_seismicity_catalog contains the seismic events for which we could successfully calculate an earthquake location. The ASCII table has the following columns: columns: id, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, serial time, latitude, longitude, depth [km], magnitude, horizontal error [km], vertical error [km], RMS, maximum azimuthal gap [degree].
The table 2021-004_Martinez-Garcon-et-al_Relocated_seismicity_catalog contains the seismic events for which we could refine the initial location and obtain a double-difference refined location. The ASCII table has the following columns: id, latitude, longitude, depth [km], horizontal error [km], vertical error [km].