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Climate change and rapid expansion of urban areas are expected to increase pluvial flood hazard and risk in the near future, and particularly so in large developed areas and cities. Therefore, large-scale and high-resolution pluvial flood hazard mapping is required to identify hotspots where mitigation measures may be applied to reduce flood risk. Depressions or low points in urban areas where runoff volumes can be stored are prone to pluvial flooding. The standard approach based on estimating synthetic design hyetographs assumes, in a given depression, that the T-year design storm generates the T-year pluvial flood. In addition, urban areas usually include several depressions even linked or nested that would require distinct design hyetographs instead of using a unique synthetic design storm. In this paper, a stochastic methodology is proposed to address the limitations of this standard approach, developing large-scale ∼ 2 m-resolution pluvial flood hazard maps in urban areas with multiple depressions. The authors present an application of the proposed approach to the city of Pamplona in Spain (68.26 km2). The Safer_RAIN fast-processing algorithm based on digital elevation models (DEMs) is compared with the IBER 2D hydrodynamic model in four real storms by using 10-min precipitation fields. Precipitation recorded at rainfall-gauging stations was merged with continuous fields obtained from a meteorological radar station. Given the hydrostatic limitations of Safer_RAIN, the benchmarking results are adequate in terms of water depths in depressions. A long set of 10 000 synthetic storms that maintain the statistical properties of observations in Pamplona is generated. Safer_RAIN is used to simulate runoff response, and filling and spilling processes, in depressions for the 10 000 synthetic storms, obtaining the probability distribution of water depths in each cell. Maps of pluvial flood hazards are developed in the Pamplona metropolitan area for 10 return periods in the range from two to 500 years from such pixel-based series of simulated water depths. Bivariate return-period curves are estimated in a set of cells, showing that several storms can generate a given T-year pluvial flood with an increasing precipitation with storm duration that depends on the draining catchment soil characteristics. The methodology proposed is useful to develop maps of pluvial flood hazards in large multi-depression urban areas in reasonable computation times, identifying the main pluvial flood hotspots.