In the Next-Generation Volcano Research Promotion Project (FY2016-2025) underway in Japan, the information tools are being created, reflecting the newest monitoring data, to enable decision makers to obtain volcanological information that will help them take effective actions for disaster mitigation. In Japan, the Volcano Disaster Prevention Council is created for each active volcano, which includes local and national official disaster prevention agencies and volcano experts. The national volcano disaster prevention agency is the Japan Meteorological Agency (IMA), and local governments pre-determine their evacuation actions based on the Volcanic Alert Levels issued by the JMA. Therefore, decision makers, the target of the information tool, include not only local government disaster prevention officials, but also the JMA, and experts belonging to the Volcano Disaster Prevention Council, which serves as a consultative body. The information tools under development include three main contents: volcanic ash damage forecasting, climbers’ evacuee rescue support, and public awareness on volcanic disasters. Experiments and simulations are being conducted on the effects of ashfall on roads, buildings, and other infrastructure, on the continued functionality of hospitals, and on the reinforcement of climbers' huts against ballistic ejecta. The results of these experiments and simulations are represented and provided in GIS as real-time information as well as past disaster information (including past countermeasures). Our researchers are working with local governments and urban infrastructure companies that host and locate downwind active volcanoes to create information that reflects their needs and that can be understood by non-volcano specialists.