Fault gouges
Fault friction
Fault reactivation
Fault mechanics
Upper plate
Subduction zones
Atacama Fault System
Northern Chile
The Maule 2010 and Tohoku-Oki 2011 earthquakes demonstrated how dormant upper plate faults can be reactivated as normal faults by plate margin relaxation following megathrust slip. However, the reactivation mechanisms of these types of faults are yet unexplored. To provide a better understanding of these mechanisms, we collected fault core samples from fault segments of the Atacama Fault System in northern Chile. The sampled fault segments have clear morphological evidence of Quaternary reactivation as normal fault. We performed laboratory experiments to measure the fault strength, stability and dynamic weakening. We consider low-velocity tests for exploring the frictional strength and velocity dependence of friction via a double-direct shear apparatus and ii) high-velocity tests for investigating the frictional properties at seismic velocities via a rotary shear apparatus. The experiments revealed that fault cores have low frictional strength, velocity-strengthening behaviour and strong dynamic weakening. Additionally, a novel experimental procedure that simulates stress relaxation by stepwise reducing of the normal stress on the sample assembly showed: 1. Accelerating creep towards dynamic weakening in chlorite-rich gouges and 2. oscillatory sliding in fault gouges enriched in illite. By extrapolating our experimental observations to natural conditions, we conclude that stable sliding is favoured during the interseismic phase of the subduction earthquake cycle, whereas unstable sliding is favoured during the coseismic and postseismic phases. The latter occurs via normal stress reduction during the shift from interseismic compression to co- and postseismic tension at the plate margin.