Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





A regional S and Pb isotope study of carbonate hosted Zn-Pb mineralization, Mackenzie Mountains


Gleeson,  S. A.
3.1 Inorganic and Isotope Geochemistry, 3.0 Geochemistry, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Sharp,  R. J.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Dewing,  K.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Krstic,  D.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Turner,  E. L.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

Ootes,  L.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);

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Gleeson, S. A., Sharp, R. J., Dewing, K., Krstic, D., Turner, E. L., Ootes, L. (2007): A regional S and Pb isotope study of carbonate hosted Zn-Pb mineralization, Mackenzie Mountains - Abstracts, 9th SGA Biennial Meeting "Mineral Exploration and Research: Digging Deeper" (Dublin, Ireland 2007), 315-318.

The carbonate strata of the Mackenzie Mountains of Northwestern Canada are host to a large number of mineralized base-metal occurrences, including the Neoproterozoic-hosted Gayna River deposit. Here, we present S and Pb isotopic data on sulphides and sulphates from Gayna River and 7 other smaller showings hosted by Lower Cambrian and Silurian-Ordovican units. The S isotope data suggest that the source of S in all the deposits is variable and may be derived locally. The Pb isotope data have consistent values for most of the showings suggesting a single Pb source for the mineralization. These data allow a model of a regional hydrothermal fluid flow event(s) in the Mackenzie Mountains in the Devonian-Carboniferous that deposited base metals in units of varying ages.