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Determination of source parameters of earthquakes and crustal structure in the Baltic shield


Wahlström,  Rutger
2.6 Seismic Hazard and Stress Field, 2.0 Physics of the Earth, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

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Wahlström, R. (1982): Determination of source parameters of earthquakes and crustal structure in the Baltic shield, Uppsala : Uppsala University, Faculty of Science, 14 p.
Using data from explosions recorded by the Swedish Seismograph Station Network (SSSN), an average model of two horizontal layers was deduced for the Swedish crust: Layer thicknesses (km): top layer = 10, whole crust = 37; wave velocities (km s"SUP -1"): Pn = 7.87, P"SUP *" = 6.69, Pgl = 6.27, Sn = 4.55, S"SUP *" = 3.69, Sg1 = 3.54, Sg2 = 3.40, Rg = 2.81. A computer program was developed to determine locations of regional seismic events. Assuming a horizontal two-layered crust, arrival times of identified crustal and Moho-refracted waves are given as input. The location accuracy of seismic events using three-dimensional geophone networks was investigated for real and fictitious networks and events. The effects of arrival time and velocity model accuracies, computational method, network geometry and relative location of hypocentre to geophones are quantitatively demonstrated in various examples. - from Author