Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Laser Investigation of the Mesospheric Magnetic Field in the Auroral Zone


Johnson,  Magnar G.
External Organizations;

Gulbrandsen,  Njål
External Organizations;

Denman,  Craig A.
External Organizations;

Hillman,  Paul D.
External Organizations;


Matzka,  J.
2.3 Geomagnetism, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Hoppe,  Ulf-Peter
External Organizations;

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Johnson, M. G., Gulbrandsen, N., Denman, C. A., Hillman, P. D., Matzka, J., Hoppe, U.-P. (2019): Laser Investigation of the Mesospheric Magnetic Field in the Auroral Zone, (Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-4905, 2019), General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna 2019).

By means of laser optical pumping and Larmor-resonance detection, it is possible to use the naturally occurringsodium layer in the mesosphere to measure Earth’s scalar magnetic field at∼90 km above ground. This is analtitude otherwise only accessible by rockets, which only will provide point measurements of very short timescales.During the winter of 2018-19 we have installed a cw sum-frequency laser for probing the sodium-atom Larmorresonance at the Artic Lidar Observatory for Mesospheric Research (ALOMAR) at Andøya in northern Norway,to measure and monitor the magnetic field in-situ in the high latitude mesosphere over longer time scales. Thetechnique, which has been proved earlier at mid-latitudes, will in our project be applied to high latitudes in theauroral zone. This opens for a completely new domain of measurements of externally generated geomagneticvariations related to currents in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system.Here we report on the instrumental setup and present initial measurements of the mesospheric magnetic field.Furthermore, we discuss future improvements and plans.