Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Optical properties of 1D metal nanogratings


Chernykh,  I. A.
External Organizations;

Mamichev,  D. A.
External Organizations;

Grishchenko,  Y. V.
External Organizations;


Roddatis,  Vladimir
0 Pre-GFZ, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Zanaveskin,  M. L.
External Organizations;

Shcherbakov,  M. R.
External Organizations;

Fedyanin,  A. A.
External Organizations;

Novoselova,  E. G.
External Organizations;

Smirnov,  I. S.
External Organizations;

Marchenkov,  A. N.
External Organizations;

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Chernykh, I. A., Mamichev, D. A., Grishchenko, Y. V., Roddatis, V., Zanaveskin, M. L., Shcherbakov, M. R., Fedyanin, A. A., Novoselova, E. G., Smirnov, I. S., Marchenkov, A. N. (2011): Optical properties of 1D metal nanogratings. - Journal of Surface Investigation: X-Ray Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 5, 941.

Nanostructures consisting of metal nanogratings made of Au on quartz substrates are produced. The structural characteristics of samples are studied using atomic force and scanning electron microscopies (AFM and SEM). The optical properties of samples in the visible spectral region are also studied. The studies show that these nanostructures are characterized by a high degree of periodicity and the nanowire profile shape is close to the rectangular one. Effective excitation of surface plasmon-polariton waves is observed in nanogratings; in this case the effectiveness of their excitation depends considerably on the polarization of exciting radiation and on the grating filling factor. It is established that various types of plasmon-polariton waves (local or traveling waves) can be excited depending on the grating filling factor. Optical effects observed in the given structures can be used to produce high-speed sensor and optoelectronic elements based on them, such as highly sensitive new-generation biosensors, optical filters, polarizers, and modulators.