Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Hipercorig – an innovative hydraulic coring system recovering over 60 m long sediment cores from deep perialpine lakes


Harms,  Ulrich
4.2 Geomechanics and Scientific Drilling, 4.0 Geosystems, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Raschke,  Ulli
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Anselmetti,  Flavio S.
External Organizations;

Strasser,  Michael
External Organizations;

Wittig,  Volker
External Organizations;

Wessels,  Martin
External Organizations;

Schaller,  Sebastian
External Organizations;

Fabbri,  Stefano C.
External Organizations;

Niederreiter,  Richard
External Organizations;

Schwalb,  Antje
External Organizations;

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Harms, U., Raschke, U., Anselmetti, F. S., Strasser, M., Wittig, V., Wessels, M., Schaller, S., Fabbri, S. C., Niederreiter, R., Schwalb, A. (2020): Hipercorig – an innovative hydraulic coring system recovering over 60 m long sediment cores from deep perialpine lakes. - Scientific drilling: reports on deep earth sampling and monitoring, 28, 29-41.

The record of past environmental conditions and changes archived in lacustrine sediments serves as an important element in paleoenvironmental and climate research. A main barrier in accessing these archives is the undisturbed recovery of long cores from deep lakes. In this study, we have developed and tested a new, environmentally friendly coring tool and modular barge, centered around a down-the-hole hydraulic hammering of an advanced piston coring system, called the Hipercorig. Test beds for the evaluation of the performance of the system were two periglacial lakes, Mondsee and Constance, located on the northern edge of the Alpine chain. These lakes are notoriously difficult to sample beyond ∼ 10 m sediment depths due to dense glacial deposits obstructing deeper coring. Both lakes resemble many global lake systems with hard and coarse layers at depth, so the gained experience using this novel technology can be applied to other lacustrine or even marine basins. These two experimental drilling projects resulted in up to 63 m coring depth and successful coring operations in up to 204 m water depth, providing high-quality, continuous cores with 87 % recovery. Initial core description and scanning of the 63 m long core from Mondsee and two 20 and 24 m long cores from Lake Constance provided novel insights beyond the onset of deglaciation of the northern Alpine foreland dating back to ∼ 18 400 cal BP.