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Heavy metal distribution, contamination and analysis of sources - Intertidal zones of Sandu Bay, Ningde, China


Zhou,  Shanyu
0 Pre-GFZ, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Kang,  Ran
External Organizations;

Ji,  Chaonan
External Organizations;

Kaufmann,  Hermann
External Organizations;

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Zhou, S., Kang, R., Ji, C., Kaufmann, H. (2018): Heavy metal distribution, contamination and analysis of sources - Intertidal zones of Sandu Bay, Ningde, China. - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 135, 1138-1144.

Concentrations of heavy metals in sediments and seawaters from the intertidal zone are analyzed along with cage-bred fish in the Sandu Bay of Fujian Province in China. Elements measured are As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn. The concentrations of Cu and Ni found in the sediments do not meet the first standard of the Chinese National Criteria for Marine Sediment Quality. The results of Igeo, EF, and CF index calculations for the sediment samples clearly prove anthropogenic causes of contamination. The water quality standard for fisheries was exceeded by As, Hg, and Cu. Cage-bred fish show increased levels of As, Cr, and Zn. Significant associations are found for Assingle bondCu and Nisingle bondZn. These findings can be related to coal and crude oil combustion and processes associated with the production of batteries, steel, and alloys. The results point to industrial source locations along discharging rivers north and northwest of the Sandu Bay.