Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Increased production of cosmogenic 10Be recorded in oceanic sediment sequences: Information on the age, duration, and amplitude of the geomagnetic dipole moment minimum over the Matuyama–Brunhes transition


Simon,  Quentin
External Organizations;

Thouveny,  Nicolas
External Organizations;

Bourlès,  Didier L.
External Organizations;

Bassinot,  Franck
External Organizations;


Savranskaia,  Tatiana
0 Pre-GFZ, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Valet,  Jean-Pierre
External Organizations;

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Simon, Q., Thouveny, N., Bourlès, D. L., Bassinot, F., Savranskaia, T., Valet, J.-P. (2018): Increased production of cosmogenic 10Be recorded in oceanic sediment sequences: Information on the age, duration, and amplitude of the geomagnetic dipole moment minimum over the Matuyama–Brunhes transition. - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 489, 191-202.

New high-resolution authigenic 10Be/9Be ratio (Be-ratio) records covering the last geomagnetic reversal, i.e. the Matuyama–Brunhes transition (MBT), have been obtained and set on a time scale using benthic δ18O (Cibicides wuellerstorfi) records. The geographic distribution of the four studied sites allows global comparison between the North Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. All Be-ratio records contain a two- fold increase triggered by the geomagnetic dipole moment (GDM) collapse associated with the MBT. The stratigraphic position of the Be-ratio spike, relative to marine isotope stages, allows establishment of a robust astrochronological framework for the MBT, anchoring its age between 778 and 766 ka (average mid-peaks at 772 ka), which is consistent with all other available 10Be-proxy records from marine, ice and loess archives. The global 10Be atmospheric production doubling represents an increase of more than 300 atoms m−2s−1that is compatible with the increased magnitude of atmospheric 10Be production obtained by simulations between the present GDM and a null-GDM. The minimum 10Be-derived GDM average computed for the 776–771 ka interval is 1.7 ±0.4 ×1022 Am2, in agreement with model simulations and absolute paleointensities of transitional lava flows.