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Ilica fan Delta deposition, Erzurum, Eastern Turkey


Bayraktutan,  Mehmet Salih
IUGG 2023, General Assemblies, 1 General, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), External Organizations;

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Bayraktutan, M. S. (2023): Ilica fan Delta deposition, Erzurum, Eastern Turkey, XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (Berlin 2023).

ABSTRACT Extraordinary examples of submarine slump structures recognized in Ilıca Fan Delta deposites, Erzurum Basin. A series of Fandelta stacks formed as overlapping coalescent delta deposits along the NNE trending tectonic threshold seperating Daphan Plain and Karasu Depression. Gelinkaya Formation, which consists of fine-grained deposits of white diatomaceous mudstone, marl, minor tuff and conglomerate representing stable dominantly continental freshwater environmental conditions. Erzurum basin developed in two sub-environments; Daphan Plain and Karasu Depression under transpression crustal dynamics. Some of these complex-disharmonic folds in Gelinkaya Area are clearly seen to be enclosed by planar beds. These folds are interpreted to be intraformational slump folds produced by slope steepening and gliding of lava layers on incompetent pyroclastic beds. The trend of the fold axes is roughly parallel to the northern margin of the Erzurum Basin. These are also probably related to slumping and formed in more competent layers which broke up during gliding “XCDF slumping’ in delta foresets. Landslide initiated by sliding of thick overlying Mass caused slump folds, in fine grained sequences. In some horizons breccia beds composed very poorly sorted, matrix-rich, polymictic and heterolithic texture. Coarse sedimentary mass (of breccia and conglomerates) as Flood debris flows, deposited near to fault scarp (paleo-shore line) which slided over stack of semi-consolidated clayey sedimentary layers. The load exerted by gravity flow caused formations of overturned anticlinal and slump structures, in delta forsets dipping approximately at 30 degrees to E, SE into deep water. Key Words; Flood Deposites, Braided River, Fan Delta, Lacustrine Deposition. Erzurum