Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Stable oxygen isotope ratios of tree-ring cellulose from the site network of the EU-Project ‘ISONET’


ISONET Project Members, 

Schleser,  Gerhard Hans

Andreu-Hayles,  Laia

Bednarz,  Zdzislaw

Berninger,  Frank

Boettger,  Tatjana

Dorado-Liñán,  Isabel

Esper,  Jan

Grabner,  Michael

Gutiérrez,  Emilia


Helle,  G.
4.3 Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution, 4.0 Geosystems, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Hilasvuori,  Emmi

Jugner,  Högne

Kalela-Brundin,  Maarit

Krąpiec,  Marek

Leuenberger,  Markus

Loader,  Neil J.

Masson-Delmotte,  Valérie

Pawełczyk,  Sławomira

Pazdur,  Anna

Pukienė,  Rūtilė

Rinne-Garmston,  Katja T.

Saracino,  Antonio

Saurer,  Matthias

Sonninen,  Eloni

Stiévenard,  Michel

Switsur,  Vincent R.

Szychowska-Krąpiec,  Elżbieta

Szczepanek,  M.

Todaro,  Luigi

Treydte,  Kerstin

Vitas,  Adomas

Waterhouse,  John S.

Weigl-Kuska,  Martin

Wimmer,  Rupert

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ISONET Project Members, Schleser, G. H., Andreu-Hayles, L., Bednarz, Z., Berninger, F., Boettger, T., Dorado-Liñán, I., Esper, J., Grabner, M., Gutiérrez, E., Helle, G., Hilasvuori, E., Jugner, H., Kalela-Brundin, M., Krąpiec, M., Leuenberger, M., Loader, N. J., Masson-Delmotte, V., Pawełczyk, S., Pazdur, A., Pukienė, R., Rinne-Garmston, K. T., Saracino, A., Saurer, M., Sonninen, E., Stiévenard, M., Switsur, V. R., Szychowska-Krąpiec, E., Szczepanek, M., Todaro, L., Treydte, K., Vitas, A., Waterhouse, J. S., Weigl-Kuska, M., Wimmer, R. (2023): Stable oxygen isotope ratios of tree-ring cellulose from the site network of the EU-Project ‘ISONET’.

24 European annually resolved stable isotope chronologies have been constructed from tree ring cellulose for the last 400 years (1600CE – 2003CE) for carbon and oxygen and for the last 100 years for hydrogen. Data was produced within the ISONET project (400 Years of Annual Reconstructions of European Climate Variability Using a Highly Resolved Isotopic Network,) to initiate an extensive spatiotemporal tree-ring stable isotope network across Europe funded as part of the fifth EC Framework Programme “Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development”. This data set comprises the ISONET δ18O records.