Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





D3.3 A new generation of OEF models


Marzocchi,  Warner
External Organizations;


Iturrieta,  Pablo Cristián
2.6 Seismic Hazard and Risk Dynamics, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Falcone,  Guiseppe
External Organizations;

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Marzocchi, W., Iturrieta, P. C., Falcone, G. (2022): D3.3 A new generation of OEF models, 12 p.

The main goal of WP3 is to advance the operational earthquake forecasting capabilities at different spatial scales. This deliverable contains the description of the repository where all promising codes of the OEF models that have been produced in the first 30 months of the project have been uploaded. Since all codes have to be tested in WP7 in the last year of the project, the structure of this deliverable has been agreed with colleagues working at WP7. The repository contains both the codes that will be used in the WP7 testing phase, and a detailed description of each model. In this document we will describe the main features of the repository and the link where codes and descriptions can be found. Then, we will briefly summarize the main features of the models that are contained in the repository. At the time of this deliverable, eight models have been submitted to the repository; however, at the end of the project we expect to have more; in fact, some additional models are almost finished, but not yet ready for the testing phase and so they have not been uploaded yet; very likely, they will be uploaded soon and tested in WP7 in the last year of the project. In this first phase the repository is kept private (available only after a specific request to the WP leader) to leave the time to the modelers to finalize the scientific papers relative to their models. The repository will be then made public through the platform Zenodo at the end of the project.