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eGSIM - a Python library and web application to select and test Ground Motion models


Zaccarelli,  Riccardo
2.6 Seismic Hazard and Risk Dynamics, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;


Weatherill,  Graeme
2.6 Seismic Hazard and Risk Dynamics, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

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Zaccarelli, R., Weatherill, G.(2020): eGSIM - a Python library and web application to select and test Ground Motion models, Potsdam : GFZ Data Services.

Ground motion models (GMM) have been employed in several domains, from traditional seismic hazard and risk analysis to more recent shakemaps and rapid loss assessment. In this framework, eGSIM is a Python package and web application intended to help engineers and seismologist in understanding how different models compare for specific earthquake scenarios and how well they fit to observed ground motion data, producing results as visual plot or tabular data in standard, accessible and convenient formats (CSV, HDF, JSON and several image formats). Based on OpenQuake, a popular open-source Python library for seismic hazard and risk analysis, eGSIM incorporates and makes available in two user-friendly interfaces hundreds of published GMMs implemented and tested in OpenQuake: an online graphical user interface (GUI) accessible at, ideal for comparisons that can be visualized or downloaded as images, and a web application programming interface (web API), implemented along the lines of popular seismological web services (FDSN), more suited for comparisons that may be automatized in scheduled jobs, or need to be integrated into custom code and further processed in the user's own workflows. By incorporating databases in form of so-called flatfiles (ESM) and regionalizations derived from seismic hazard models (SHARE, ESHM20), eGSIM allows users to seamlessly select data for comparison and models for comparison based on regions of interest. It also features management scripts to smoothly incorporate new flatfiles or regionalizations from future research projects.Moreover, via the generation of flatfile templates based on a custom selection of GMMs, and the possibility to upload user-defined flatfiles, eGSIM facilitates the non-trivial task of compiling data for model comparison, and can be used to analyze ground motions from any data set recorded anywhere in the world, including rapid analysis of earthquake records following large events.