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Towards an understanding of landslide risk assessment and its economic losses: a scientometric analysis


Marín-Rodríguez,  Nini Johana
External Organizations;


Vega Gutierrez,  Johnny Alexander
1.4 Remote Sensing, 1.0 Geodesy, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Zanabria,  Oscar Betancurt
External Organizations;

González-Ruiz,  Juan David
External Organizations;

Botero,  Sergio
External Organizations;

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Marín-Rodríguez, N. J., Vega Gutierrez, J. A., Zanabria, O. B., González-Ruiz, J. D., Botero, S. (2024): Towards an understanding of landslide risk assessment and its economic losses: a scientometric analysis. - Landslides, 21, 1865-1881.

This scientometric analysis significantly advances the understanding of landslide risk assessment and economic losses, focusing on scientometric insights. This study aims at analyzing the global trends and structures of landslide risk and economic loss research from 2002 to 2023 using scientometric techniques such as co-authorship, co-word, co-citation, cluster analysis, and trend topics, among others. Thus, analysis of 92 studies gathered from Scopus and Web of Science databases reveals a continuous growth in environmental, social, and quantitative research topics. Predominant contributions hail mainly from China and Italy. The research identifies critical themes, including risk analysis, vulnerability, fragility, and economic losses. The current identified research combines advanced statistical methods, including logistic regression, with climate change scenarios and susceptibility assessments to reveal intricate connections between climatic shifts, hydrogeological hazards, and their economic and environmental impacts. This study provides researchers and practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of the status quo and research trends of ontology research landslide risk and its economic losses. It also promotes further studies in this domain.