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Thank You to Our 2023 Peer Reviewers


Rajaram,  Harihar
External Organizations;

Aiyyer,  Anantha
External Organizations;

Camargo,  Suzana
External Organizations;

Cappa,  Christopher D.
External Organizations;

Dombard,  Andrew J.
External Organizations;

Donohue,  Kathleen A.
External Organizations;

Feakins,  Sarah
External Organizations;

Flesch,  Lucy
External Organizations;

Fulweiler,  Robinson
External Organizations;

Ganju,  Neil
External Organizations;

Giannini,  Alessandra
External Organizations;

Gu,  Yu
External Organizations;

Huber,  Christian
External Organizations;

Ivanov,  Valeriy
External Organizations;

Karnauskas,  Kristopher
External Organizations;


Korte,  M.
2.3 Geomagnetism, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Lewis,  Kevin
External Organizations;

Lu,  Gang
External Organizations;

Magnusdottir,  Gudrun
External Organizations;

Morlighem,  Mathieu
External Organizations;

Oieroset,  Marit
External Organizations;

Otsuka,  Yuichi
External Organizations;

Prieto,  Germán A.
External Organizations;

Qiu,  Bo
External Organizations;

Russell,  Lynn
External Organizations;

Su,  Hui
External Organizations;

Sun,  Daoyuan
External Organizations;

Wang,  Guiling
External Organizations;

Wang,  Kaicun
External Organizations;

Whalen,  Caitlin
External Organizations;

White,  Angelicque E.
External Organizations;

Williams,  Quentin
External Organizations;

Yau,  Andrew
External Organizations;

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Es sind keine externen Ressourcen hinterlegt
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Rajaram, H., Aiyyer, A., Camargo, S., Cappa, C. D., Dombard, A. J., Donohue, K. A., Feakins, S., Flesch, L., Fulweiler, R., Ganju, N., Giannini, A., Gu, Y., Huber, C., Ivanov, V., Karnauskas, K., Korte, M., Lewis, K., Lu, G., Magnusdottir, G., Morlighem, M., Oieroset, M., Otsuka, Y., Prieto, G. A., Qiu, B., Russell, L., Su, H., Sun, D., Wang, G., Wang, K., Whalen, C., White, A. E., Williams, Q., Yau, A. (2024): Thank You to Our 2023 Peer Reviewers. - Geophysical Research Letters, 51, 9, e2024GL109626.

On behalf of the journal, AGU, and the scientific community, the editors of Geophysical Research Letters would like to sincerely thank those who reviewed manuscripts for us in 2023. The hours reading and commenting on manuscripts not only improve the manuscripts, but also increase the scientific rigor of future research in the field. With the advent of AGU's data policy, many reviewers have also helped immensely to evaluate the accessibility and availability of data, and many have provided insightful comments that helped to improve the data presentation and quality. We greatly appreciate the assistance of the reviewers in advancing open science, which is a key objective of AGU's data policy. We particularly appreciate the timely reviews in light of the demands imposed by the rapid review process at Geophysical Research Letters. We received 4,512 submissions in 2023 and 5,112 reviewers contributed to their evaluation by providing 8,587 reviews in total. We deeply appreciate their contributions.