Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Integrated satellite clock and code/phase bias combination in the third IGS reprocessing campaign


Geng,  Jianghui
External Organizations;

Yan,  Zhe
External Organizations;

Wen,  Qiang
External Organizations;


Männel,  B.
1.1 Space Geodetic Techniques, 1.0 Geodesy, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Masoumi,  Salim
External Organizations;

Loyer,  Sylvain
External Organizations;

Mayer-Gürr,  Torsten
External Organizations;

Schaer,  Stefan
External Organizations;

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Geng, J., Yan, Z., Wen, Q., Männel, B., Masoumi, S., Loyer, S., Mayer-Gürr, T., Schaer, S. (2024): Integrated satellite clock and code/phase bias combination in the third IGS reprocessing campaign. - GPS Solutions, 28, 150.

In the third reprocessing campaign (repro3) initiated by the International GNSS Service (IGS), 11 analysis centers (ACs) reanalyzed GPS/GLONASS/Galileo observations spanning 1994–2020 for station coordinates, satellite orbits, clocks, biases and attitudes. To improve the robustness of satellite products, the IGS AC Coordinator (ACC) carried out the satellite orbit combination, and the reference satellite attitudes were computed by the Technical University of Graz (TUG). The clock/ bias combination was performed by Wuhan University via the IGS “Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution” (PPP-AR) Pilot Project using the PRIDE ckcom software. This article aims at reporting the clock/bias combination results in the repro3. In particular, the consistencies for the combined GPS P1–P2/Galileo C1–C5 differential code biases (DCBs) and the GPS/Galileo uncalibrated phase delays (UPDs) among contributing ACs are all better than 0.1 ns and 0.05 cycles, respectively. As a result, the consistencies for the combined GPS/Galileo satellite clocks/biases are better than 10 ps, equat- ing about 3 mm which is very close to the nominal precision of carrier-phase. In general, the Hadamard deviation and PPP-AR results confirm the higher robustness of the combined satellite clock/bias products over their original AC-specific counterparts. This is because the combined satellite clock/bias products harvest the merits of AC-specific contributions by identifying and excluding outlier solutions from the combination process.