Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Speciation, phase association and potential bioavailability of phosphorus on a Svalbard glacier


Stibal,  M.
External Organizations;

Tranter,  M.
External Organizations;

Telling,  J.
External Organizations;


Benning,  Liane G.
0 Pre-GFZ, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

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Stibal, M., Tranter, M., Telling, J., Benning, L. G. (2008): Speciation, phase association and potential bioavailability of phosphorus on a Svalbard glacier. - Biogeochemistry, 90, 1, 1-13.

Glacier surfaces are known to harbour abundant and active microbial communities. Phosphorus has been shown to be deficient in glacial environments, and thus is one of the limits on microbial growth and activity. We quantified the phosphorus pool in cryoconite debris and the concentration of dissolved phosphorus in supraglacial water on Werenskioldbreen, a Svalbard glacier. The mean total P content of the cryoconite debris was similar to 2.2 mg g(-1), which is significantly more than would be expected in rock debris from local sources. 57% of this P was present in the fraction defined as organic P. It may account for the P in excess of the rock debris, and could be explained by allochthonous input of organic matter. The concentration of total dissolved P in supraglacial water was very low (5.2-8.5 mu g l(-1)), which was probably caused by efficient flushing and re-adsorption onto mineral surfaces. Dissolved organic P (DOP) was a very important component of the dissolved phosphorus pool on Werenskioldbreen, as concentrations of DOP typically exceeded those of dissolved inorganic P (or SRP) by more than four times in all the glacial water types. It is very difficult to assess whether P was limiting in this environment solely on the basis of the N:P ratios in the debris or biomass. There may be some degree of biological control over the C:N:P ratios in the debris, but the phosphorus cycling in the supraglacial environment on this glacier seems to be mainly controlled by physical and geochemical processes.