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From Pilot to Demo Scale – Comparing Ketzin results with the Illinois Basin-decatur Project


Streibel,  M.
CGS Centre for Geological Storage, Geoengineering Centres, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Finley,  R.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);


Martens,  S.
CGS Centre for Geological Storage, Geoengineering Centres, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Greenberg,  S.
External Organizations (TEMPORARY!);


Moeller,  F.
CGS Centre for Geological Storage, Geoengineering Centres, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;


Liebscher,  A.
CGS Centre for Geological Storage, Geoengineering Centres, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

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Streibel, M., Finley, R., Martens, S., Greenberg, S., Moeller, F., Liebscher, A. (2014 online): From Pilot to Demo Scale – Comparing Ketzin results with the Illinois Basin-decatur Project, (GHGT-12), GHGT-12 (Austin, USA 2014).

The Ketzin pilot site and the Illinois Basin-Decatur Project (IBDP) are examples for successful onshore CO2 storage projects. Both projects aim to demonstrate the safe operation and efficient handling of CO2 storage in saline reservoirs representing different types of fluvial depositional systems and different reservoir pressure-temperature conditions. Major operational differences between both projects are the injection rates and the total amount of CO2 stored which will be about 15 times larger in the IBDP reservoir. This paper compares the operational settings and respective results of both projects and highlights similarities and differences which we consider to be important for large scale implementation of CO2 storage in such reservoirs.