date: 2016-06-02T09:17:39Z pdf:PDFVersion: 1.5 pdf:docinfo:title: EnGeoMAP Test Data: Simulated EnMAP Satellite Data for Mountain Pass, USA, and Rodalquilar, Spain xmp:CreatorTool: Acrobat PDFMaker 11 für Word Company: UFA access_permission:can_print_degraded: true subject: We describe EnMAP-like imaging spectroscopy data files to be used for mineral mapping with the EnMAPBOX software. It is simulated EnMAP satellite data, which is based on hyperspectral flight cam-paign data with the AVIRIS-NG and HyMap sensors. In preparation of the EnMAP satellite mission, an EnMAPBOX software package provides tools for visualization and scientific analysis of the data. Among many applications, the EnMAPBOX contains geological mapping tools (EnGeoMAP). Here we apply these tools to several representative test cases (Boesche, 2015; Boesche et al., 2016; Mielke et al., 2016). The test data comprise two study sites. The first scene covers the Mountain Pass open pit mine - a carbonatite deposit in California, USA. It contains calcitic rock units and rare earth element (REE) bearing minerals of the bastnaesite group, also called fluorocarbonates (Olson et al., 1954). The REE concentrations at mountain pass are 9.2% on average, among the highest in the world (Brüning and Böhmer, 2011). The high concentration and the open pit activities make Mountain Pass an ideal test site to investigate the rare earth element distribution in the surface layer. The airborne image data were collected in 2014 by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), USA, with the AVIRIS-NG sensor and form the basis for EnMAP simulations (Segl et al., 2012; Thompson et al., 2015). The second HyMap spectral image data covers part of the Miocene Cabo de Gata-N?jar volcanic field, in southeast Spain. It comprises a subset of (Chabrillat et al., 2016) covering the Rodalquilar and Lomilla Calderas, which host the economically relevant gold-silver, lead-zinc-silver-gold and alunite deposits. It is a hydrothermal alteration complex, representing the silicic alteration, the advanced argillic alter-ation zone, which grades into the argillic and propylitic zone (Arribas et al., 1995, 1989). The image data are part of the Cabo de Gata-N?jar HyMap imagery which was collected during the DLR HyEurope airborne ZOTERO_PREF_1: