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Thermo-compositional and strength variability of the Australian plate: clues of intraplate deformation


Tesauro,  Magdala
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Kaban,  M. K.
1.3 Earth System Modelling, 1.0 Geodesy, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Aitken,  Alan
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Tesauro, M., Kaban, M. K., Aitken, A. (2017): Thermo-compositional and strength variability of the Australian plate: clues of intraplate deformation - Abstracts, AGU 2017 Fall Meeting (New Orleans, USA 2017).

The Australian plate has a long and complex tectonic history and its crust and upper mantle have been deeply investigated in the last two decades using a variety of geophysical methods. To discern temperature and compositional variations of the Australian upper mantle, we apply an iterative technique, which jointly interprets seismic tomography and gravity data. This technique consists in removing the effect of the crust from the observed gravity field and topography. In the second step, the residual mantle gravity field and residual topography are inverted to obtain a 3-D density model of the upper mantle. The inversion technique accounts for the notion that these fields are controlled by the same factors but in a different way (e.g., depending on depth and horizontal dimension of the heterogeneity.) This enables us to locate the position of principal density anomalies in the upper mantle. Afterwards, the thermal contribution to the density structure is estimated by inverting the seismic tomography model AusREM ( ). In this way, we improve the initial thermal and compositional models iteratively. The final thermal model compared to the initial one shows temperatures higher by 100-150 °C in the Archean and Proterozoic upper mantle. Furthermore, we observe larger iron depletion in the Western Australian craton than in the Proterozoic terranes. At the depths larger than 150 km, the depletion becomes negligible beneath the Proterozoic regions, while persists in the Western Australian craton also below the depth of the lithosphere. We interpret this feature as a result of the leakage of the depleted mantle, possibly caused by the erosion of the thermal boundary layer, which was thicker before than in present-days. Using the final thermo-compositional model, we estimated the strength and effective elastic distribution within the Australian lithosphere. For this purpose, we assumed a stiff rheology, on account of the mafic composition of the Australian crust. The results show large variability of the rigidity of the plate within the cratonic areas, reflecting the long tectonic history of the Australian plate. On the other hand, the younger eastern terranes are uniformly weak, due to the higher temperatures.