date: 2023-07-19T15:22:32Z pdf:PDFVersion: 1.7 pdf:docinfo:title: REE Concentrations in Secondary Uranium Minerals from the Izera Metamorphic Complex (SW Poland) xmp:CreatorTool: LaTeX with hyperref Keywords: REY; uranyl phosphates; uranyl silicates; physicochemical conditions; Sudetes Mountains access_permission:modify_annotations: true access_permission:can_print_degraded: true subject: The subject of this work was supergene uranium mineralization and the YREE concentrations within. YREE differentiation patterns were used to recreate the prevailing crystallization conditions of abandoned mine dumps in Kromnów, Kopaniec, and Radoniów, located in the Izera Metamorphic Complex, Sudetes Mts. The collected samples were investigated using PXRD, SEM-EDS, and EPMA. YREE concentrations were measured using LA-ICP-MS. The secondary uranium mineralization from these locations consists of phosphates (meta-autunite, meta-torbernite, metauranocircite-I, saleéite, bassetite, phosphuranylite), arsenates (zeunerite), silicates (uranophane, sklodowskite), and uranyl hydroxides (likely becquerelite). Moreover, in Radoniów, phosphuranylite was found; it had not been found in Poland previously. Uranyl mineral assemblages indicate the diversity of chemistry of their mother solutions and suggest their weakly acidic character. The YREE content in secondary uranium minerals also reflects the pore solutions? chemistry variation. The negative Y anomaly is observed in all uranyl phases. Similar behavior of Sm is also noted, excluding metatorbernite and torbernite. Among the uranyl minerals studied, only metatorbernite from Kromnów showed a positive Nb anomaly, which was probably related to proximity to weathering in YREE-breeding phases. Nevertheless, the YREE and chemical results suggest that this mineralization originated from the oxidizing solutions generated during the weathering of primary hydrothermal mineralization. In order to better understand the weathering zones in these locations, more detailed studies on pore solution chemistry are needed. dc:creator: Marcin Daniel Syczewski, Rafa? Siuda and Jan Parafiniuk dcterms:created: 2023-07-19T15:11:14Z Last-Modified: 2023-07-19T15:22:32Z dcterms:modified: 2023-07-19T15:22:32Z dc:format: application/pdf; version=1.7 title: REE Concentrations in Secondary Uranium Minerals from the Izera Metamorphic Complex (SW Poland) Last-Save-Date: 2023-07-19T15:22:32Z pdf:docinfo:creator_tool: LaTeX with hyperref access_permission:fill_in_form: true pdf:docinfo:keywords: REY; uranyl phosphates; uranyl silicates; physicochemical conditions; Sudetes Mountains pdf:docinfo:modified: 2023-07-19T15:22:32Z meta:save-date: 2023-07-19T15:22:32Z pdf:encrypted: false dc:title: REE Concentrations in Secondary Uranium Minerals from the Izera Metamorphic Complex (SW Poland) modified: 2023-07-19T15:22:32Z cp:subject: The subject of this work was supergene uranium mineralization and the YREE concentrations within. YREE differentiation patterns were used to recreate the prevailing crystallization conditions of abandoned mine dumps in Kromnów, Kopaniec, and Radoniów, located in the Izera Metamorphic Complex, Sudetes Mts. The collected samples were investigated using PXRD, SEM-EDS, and EPMA. YREE concentrations were measured using LA-ICP-MS. The secondary uranium mineralization from these locations consists of phosphates (meta-autunite, meta-torbernite, metauranocircite-I, saleéite, bassetite, phosphuranylite), arsenates (zeunerite), silicates (uranophane, sklodowskite), and uranyl hydroxides (likely becquerelite). Moreover, in Radoniów, phosphuranylite was found; it had not been found in Poland previously. Uranyl mineral assemblages indicate the diversity of chemistry of their mother solutions and suggest their weakly acidic character. The YREE content in secondary uranium minerals also reflects the pore solutions? chemistry variation. The negative Y anomaly is observed in all uranyl phases. Similar behavior of Sm is also noted, excluding metatorbernite and torbernite. Among the uranyl minerals studied, only metatorbernite from Kromnów showed a positive Nb anomaly, which was probably related to proximity to weathering in YREE-breeding phases. Nevertheless, the YREE and chemical results suggest that this mineralization originated from the oxidizing solutions generated during the weathering of primary hydrothermal mineralization. In order to better understand the weathering zones in these locations, more detailed studies on pore solution chemistry are needed. pdf:docinfo:subject: The subject of this work was supergene uranium mineralization and the YREE concentrations within. YREE differentiation patterns were used to recreate the prevailing crystallization conditions of abandoned mine dumps in Kromnów, Kopaniec, and Radoniów, located in the Izera Metamorphic Complex, Sudetes Mts. The collected samples were investigated using PXRD, SEM-EDS, and EPMA. YREE concentrations were measured using LA-ICP-MS. The secondary uranium mineralization from these locations consists of phosphates (meta-autunite, meta-torbernite, metauranocircite-I, saleéite, bassetite, phosphuranylite), arsenates (zeunerite), silicates (uranophane, sklodowskite), and uranyl hydroxides (likely becquerelite). Moreover, in Radoniów, phosphuranylite was found; it had not been found in Poland previously. Uranyl mineral assemblages indicate the diversity of chemistry of their mother solutions and suggest their weakly acidic character. The YREE content in secondary uranium minerals also reflects the pore solutions? chemistry variation. The negative Y anomaly is observed in all uranyl phases. Similar behavior of Sm is also noted, excluding metatorbernite and torbernite. Among the uranyl minerals studied, only metatorbernite from Kromnów showed a positive Nb anomaly, which was probably related to proximity to weathering in YREE-breeding phases. Nevertheless, the YREE and chemical results suggest that this mineralization originated from the oxidizing solutions generated during the weathering of primary hydrothermal mineralization. In order to better understand the weathering zones in these locations, more detailed studies on pore solution chemistry are needed. Content-Type: application/pdf pdf:docinfo:creator: Marcin Daniel Syczewski, Rafa? Siuda and Jan Parafiniuk X-Parsed-By: org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser creator: Marcin Daniel Syczewski, Rafa? Siuda and Jan Parafiniuk meta:author: Marcin Daniel Syczewski, Rafa? Siuda and Jan Parafiniuk dc:subject: REY; uranyl phosphates; uranyl silicates; physicochemical conditions; Sudetes Mountains meta:creation-date: 2023-07-19T15:11:14Z created: Wed Jul 19 17:11:14 CEST 2023 access_permission:extract_for_accessibility: true access_permission:assemble_document: true xmpTPg:NPages: 20 Creation-Date: 2023-07-19T15:11:14Z access_permission:extract_content: true access_permission:can_print: true meta:keyword: REY; uranyl phosphates; uranyl silicates; physicochemical conditions; Sudetes Mountains Author: Marcin Daniel Syczewski, Rafa? Siuda and Jan Parafiniuk producer: pdfTeX-1.40.21 access_permission:can_modify: true pdf:docinfo:producer: pdfTeX-1.40.21 pdf:docinfo:created: 2023-07-19T15:11:14Z