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Nucleation-assisted microthermometry: A novel application to fluid inclusions in halite


Arnuk,  William D.
External Organizations;


Guillerm,  Emmanuel
4.3 Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution, 4.0 Geosystems, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Lowenstein,  Tim K.
External Organizations;

Krüger,  Yves
External Organizations;

Olson,  Kristian J.
External Organizations;

Lensky,  Nadav G.
External Organizations;


Brauer,  A.
4.3 Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution, 4.0 Geosystems, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

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Arnuk, W. D., Guillerm, E., Lowenstein, T. K., Krüger, Y., Olson, K. J., Lensky, N. G., Brauer, A. (2024): Nucleation-assisted microthermometry: A novel application to fluid inclusions in halite. - Chemical Geology, 667, 122318.

Halite deposits have long been utilized for interrogating past climate conditions. Microthermometry on halite fluid inclusions has been used to determine ancient water temperatures. One notable obstacle in performing microthermometric measurements, however, is the lack of a vapor bubble in the single-phase liquid inclusions at room temperature. (Pseudo-) isochoric cooling of the inclusions to high negative pressures, far below the homogenization temperature, has commonly been needed to provoke spontaneous vapor bubble nucleation in the liquid. High internal tensile stress in soft host minerals like halite, however, may induce plastic deformation of the inclusion walls, resulting in a wide scatter of measured homogenization temperatures. Nucleation-assisted (NA) microthermometry, in contrast, employs single ultra-short laser pulses provided by a femtosecond laser to stimulate vapor bubble nucleation in metastable liquid inclusions slightly below the expected homogenization temperature. This technique allows for repeated vapor bubble nucleation in selected fluid inclusions without affecting the volumetric properties of the inclusions, and yields highly precise and accurate homogenization temperatures. In this study, we apply, for the first time, NA microthermometry to fluid inclusions in halite and we evaluate the precision and accuracy of this thermometer utilizing (i) synthetic halite crystals precipitated under controlled laboratory conditions, (ii) modern natural halite that precipitated in the 1980s in the Dead Sea, and (iii) Late Pleistocene halite samples from a sediment core from Death Valley, CA. Our results demonstrate an unprecedented accuracy and precision of the method that provides a new opportunity to reconstruct reliable quantitative temperature records from evaporite archives.