Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





The In-situ Geothermal Laboratory Groß Schönebeck: a brief history


Hurter,  S.
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Hurter, S. (2002): The In-situ Geothermal Laboratory Groß Schönebeck: a brief history. - In: Huenges, E., Hurter, S. (Eds.), In-situ Geothermielabor Groß Schönebeck 2000/2001: Bohrarbeiten, Bohrlochmessungen, Hydraulik, Formationsfluide, Tonminerale; Geothermie Report 02-1, (Scientific Technical Report; 02/14), GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, 7-19.
The In-situ Laboratory Groß Schönebeck was installed in a former gasexploration well in the North German Basin. This down-hole laboratory will be used to develop hydraulic stimulation techniques to enhance permeability in a variety of sedimentary and volcanic rocks. These activities are part of a large multi- and inter-disciplinary project to develop geothermal technologies necessary for extracting hot fluids (> 100°C) at sufficient rates (> 50 m3/h) for geothermal electricity production. In 2000 the well was re-opened, and deepened to 4394 m. Drilling operations and related activities are summarized. Three cement plugs (separated by sections filled with old drilling mud) were drilled before the openhole section was reached. Operations were successful, except for an incident of differential sticking at a depth of 4167.8 m solved by employing a special spotting fluid. Soon after the end of the drilling, a first hydraulic production test and geophysical logging programm was performed.