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Book Chapter

Die Sedimentablagerungen des Mondsees (Oberösterreich) als ein Archiv extremer Abflussereignisse der letzten 100 Jahre


Swierczynski,  Tina
5.2 Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution, 5.0 Earth Surface Processes, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;


Lauterbach,  Stefan
5.2 Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution, 5.0 Earth Surface Processes, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;


Dulski,  Peter
5.2 Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution, 5.0 Earth Surface Processes, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;


Brauer,  Achim
5.2 Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution, 5.0 Earth Surface Processes, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

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Swierczynski, T., Lauterbach, S., Dulski, P., Brauer, A. (2009): Die Sedimentablagerungen des Mondsees (Oberösterreich) als ein Archiv extremer Abflussereignisse der letzten 100 Jahre. - In: Schmidt, R., Matulla, C., Psenner, R. (Eds.), Klimawandel in Österreich: Die letzten 20.000 Jahre.. und ein Blick voraus., (alpine space - man & environment, vol. 6), innsbruck university press, 115-126.

Sediment deposits of Lake Mondsee (Upper Austria) as an archive for extreme runoff events during the past 100 years. 11 short cores from Lake Mondsee reveal a continuous sedimentation history of the last 100 years. The annually laminated sediments enabled the reconstruction of lake sedimentation in a seasonal resolution. 12 detrital layers were identified in the lake sediments. 9 corresponding floods and one debris flow in 1986 were verified by historical archives and hydroclimatological datasets. Two layers with significant sedimentological and geochemical signatures suggest two more debris flows in 1923 and 1941, for which historical evidence still has to be proved.