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49801 Items found (descending sorted by Date)
  1. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: EGU General Assembly 2024
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Abstracts
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  2. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Data Publication 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Potsdam : GFZ Data Services
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: -
    Source Title: -
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  3. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagne...
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Protokoll über das 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloqu...
    Volume / Issue: 30
    Start / End Page: 107 - 121
    Sequence Number: 22
    Source Publ. Info: Potsdam : Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e. V.
  4. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagne...
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Protokoll über das 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloqu...
    Volume / Issue: 30
    Start / End Page: 10 - 14
    Sequence Number: 3
    Source Publ. Info: Potsdam : Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e. V.
  5. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagne...
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Protokoll über das 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloqu...
    Volume / Issue: 30
    Start / End Page: 34 - 44
    Sequence Number: 15
    Source Publ. Info: Potsdam : Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e. V.
  6. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagne...
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Protokoll über das 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloqu...
    Volume / Issue: 30
    Start / End Page: 25 - 25
    Sequence Number: 7
    Source Publ. Info: Potsdam : Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e. V.
  7. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagne...
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Protokoll über das 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloqu...
    Volume / Issue: 30
    Start / End Page: 15 - 21
    Sequence Number: 4
    Source Publ. Info: Potsdam : Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e. V.
  8. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagne...
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Protokoll über das 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloqu...
    Volume / Issue: 30
    Start / End Page: 55 - 64
    Sequence Number: 17
    Source Publ. Info: Potsdam : Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e. V.
  9. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagne...
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Protokoll über das 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloqu...
    Volume / Issue: 30
    Start / End Page: 135 - 135
    Sequence Number: 35
    Source Publ. Info: Potsdam : Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e. V.
  10. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagne...
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Protokoll über das 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloqu...
    Volume / Issue: 30
    Start / End Page: 96 - 106
    Sequence Number: 21
    Source Publ. Info: Potsdam : Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e. V.
  11. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagne...
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Protokoll über das 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloqu...
    Volume / Issue: 30
    Start / End Page: 128 - 128
    Sequence Number: 28
    Source Publ. Info: Potsdam : Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e. V.
  12. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagne...
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Protokoll über das 30. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloqu...
    Volume / Issue: 30
    Start / End Page: 139 - 139
    Sequence Number: 39
    Source Publ. Info: Potsdam : Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e. V.
  13. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024-05-15 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Journal Article 
    Source Genre: Journal, SCI, oa
    Source Title: Earth Surface Dynamics
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Journal
    Source Title: Earth Surface Dynamics
    Volume / Issue: 12 (3)
    Start / End Page: 747 - 763
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  14. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Journal Article 
    Source Genre: Journal, SCI, Scopus
    Source Title: Quaternary Science Reviews
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Journal
    Source Title: Quaternary Science Reviews
    Volume / Issue: 334
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: 108736
    Source Publ. Info: -
  15. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024-01-25 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: 1st Caprock Integrity & Gas Storage Symposium 2024
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Extended Abstracts
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 35 - 38
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  16. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Data Publication 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Zenodo
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: -
    Source Title: -
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  17. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2023-11-20 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Characterization, Prediction and Modelling of Cru...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  18. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Journal Article 
    Source Genre: Journal, SCI, Scopus, oa ab 2020
    Source Title: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth ...
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Journal
    Source Title: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth ...
    Volume / Issue: 17
    Start / End Page: 7825 - 7840
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  19. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024-04-08 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Journal Article 
    Source Genre: Journal, SCI, Scopus
    Source Title: Radio Science
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Journal
    Source Title: Radio Science
    Volume / Issue: 59 (4)
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: e2023RS007830
    Source Publ. Info: -
  20. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024-03-29 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Journal Article 
    Source Genre: Journal, SCI, Scopus, ab 2024 OA-Gold
    Source Title: Geophysical Journal International
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Journal
    Source Title: Geophysical Journal International
    Volume / Issue: 238 (1)
    Start / End Page: 214 - 234
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  21. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Journal Article 
    Source Genre: Journal, SCI, Scopus
    Source Title: Lithos
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Journal
    Source Title: Lithos
    Volume / Issue: 480-481
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: 107667
    Source Publ. Info: -
  22. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024-07 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Journal Article 
    Source Genre: Journal, SCI, Scopus, ab 2023 Original nach 1/2 Jahr Embargo hochladbar unter cc by-nc-nd Lizenz
    Source Title: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences o...
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Journal
    Source Title: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences o...
    Volume / Issue: 121 (28)
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: e2321770121
    Source Publ. Info: -
  23. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024-05-11 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Journal Article 
    Source Genre: Journal, SCI, Scopus
    Source Title: Landslides
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Journal
    Source Title: Landslides
    Volume / Issue: 21
    Start / End Page: 1865 - 1881
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  24. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Journal Article 
    Source Genre: Journal, SCI, Scopus
    Source Title: Global and Planetary Change
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Journal
    Source Title: Global and Planetary Change
    Volume / Issue: 239
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: 104503
    Source Publ. Info: -
  25. Creators:
    Dates: Published Online: 2024 | Finally published : 2024  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: EGU General Assembly 2024
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Abstracts
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -