analysis > data analysis, ocean tides, electromagnetic fields, magnetic fields, electric fields, motional induction, ocean tide induced magnetic field amplitudes, monthly, time series
An electric current is induced by the motion of electrical conducting seawater through the ambient geomagnetic field. The periodic oceanic tidal flow induces an electric current that emits periodical time-variable electromagnetic field signals. The radial component of the ocean tide induced magnetic field signals has successfully been extracted from magnetic field observations of the satellite missions CHAMP and Swarm. It is known that the amplitudes of these electromagnetic signals are modulated by, among other influences, variations of the electrical seawater conductivity distribution of the ocean. The electrical seawater conductivity in return depends on seawater temperature and salinity. In order to analyse the influence of variations in oceanic temperature and salinity, we modelled a complete set of monthly time slices of three dimensional global complex amplitudes of these electromagnetic field signals for the years 1990 to 2016. In order to analyse solely the influence of variations in the climate sensitive seawater temperature and salinity on the ocean tide induced magnetic field signals, the influences of the secular variation of the geomagnetic field and temporal variations in ocean tide transports have been neglected.