spatial aggregation areas, CVT, Central Voronoi Tessalations, focus map, geocells, raster, RIESGOS, Scenario-based multi-risk assessment in the Andes region
This data publication is composed by two main folders: (1) “Focus_map_construction” and (2) “CVT_models”. The first one contains the individual raster inputs (tsunami inundation and population distribution) that are combined to construct two different focus maps for the cities of Lima and Callao (Peru). The reader can find a more complete description about the focus map concept in Pittore (2015). These raster focus maps are used as inputs to generate variable-resolution CVT (Central Voronoi Tessellation) geocells following the method presented in Pittore et al., (2020). They are vector-based data (ESRI shapefiles) that are stored in the second folder. These resultant CVT-geocells are used by Gomez-Zapata et al., (2021) as spatial aggregation boundaries to represent the residential building portfolio for the cities of Lima and Callao (Peru).