Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Background Parameter Effects on Linear–Nonlinear Chorus Wave Growth in the Planetary Magnetosphere


Zhang,  He
External Organizations;

Li,  Qiang
External Organizations;

Tang,  Rongxin
External Organizations;

Li,  Haimeng
External Organizations;


Wang,  D.
2.7 Space Physics and Space Weather, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Chen,  Zhou
External Organizations;

Deng,  Xiaohua
External Organizations;

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Zhang, H., Li, Q., Tang, R., Li, H., Wang, D., Chen, Z., Deng, X. (2020): Background Parameter Effects on Linear–Nonlinear Chorus Wave Growth in the Planetary Magnetosphere. - The Astrophysical Journal, 904, 2, 105.

We investigate the effects of the background dipole magnetic field and cold electron number density on the linear and nonlinear growth of whistler-mode chorus waves for a region of relatively small anisotropy (A T ) in Saturn's inner magnetosphere. The linear and nonlinear features of wave growth rate and associated frequency at L = 6 are presented in detail. Although a large anisotropy is generally in favor of linear and nonlinear wave growth, the nonlinear wave growth for a small anisotropy can still be generated. All cases show a small threshold for wave amplitudes ${\tilde{B}}_{\mathrm{th}}$, which compromises the requirement to trigger the nonlinear wave growth, but the comparisons also clearly indicate the important transition process from the linear phase to the nonlinear phase. After checking the variation of the calculation time steps depending on the chosen electron number density N c and background magnetic field B c , respectively, a large N c can promote the nonlinear wave growth, but a large B c works against it. Our results present how these parameters really affect the generations of linear and nonlinear wave growth quantitatively. This could be significant to further understand the monumental importance of whistler-mode chorus waves and the corresponding wave–particle interactions in the planetary magnetosphere.