Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Uncertainty quantification using Bayesian inversion applied to the DC resistivity problem


Backes,  K.
29. Kolloquium, 2021, Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung EMTF, External Organizations;
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany;

Börner,  R.-U.
29. Kolloquium, 2021, Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung EMTF, External Organizations;
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany;

Scheunert,  M.
29. Kolloquium, 2021, Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung EMTF, External Organizations;
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany;

Sprungk,  B.
29. Kolloquium, 2021, Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung EMTF, External Organizations;
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany;

Ernst,  O.
29. Kolloquium, 2021, Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung EMTF, External Organizations;
Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany;

Spitzer,  K.
29. Kolloquium, 2021, Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung EMTF, External Organizations;
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany;

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Backes, K., Börner, R.-U., Scheunert, M., Sprungk, B., Ernst, O., Spitzer, K. (2022): Uncertainty quantification using Bayesian inversion applied to the DC resistivity problem. - In: Börner, J., Yogeshwar, P., Grinat, M. (Eds.), - Protokoll über das 29. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung: virtuell, 29. September - 1. Oktober 2021, 29. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung (virtuell 2021), 136-136.

A geophysical investigation of a subsurface is an ambiguous endeavor. In the geoelectrical field inversion results are inconclusive because of the equivalence principle. Thus, results need to be quantified and reviewed. One way to verify an inversion outcome is by quantifying uncertainties, that arise from imperfect input data. The Bayesian approach considers every parameter as a random number descripted by a probability distribution. Therefore, the outcome of the Bayesian inversion is not just one model, but a variety of possible models. This work emphasizes the benefits of multiple model outcomes and strives to examine given data more extensively.