Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Volumetric Inference of CO2 at Sleipner Using 4D Seismic Time-shifts


Bergmann,  P.
6.3 Geological Storage, 6.0 Geotechnologies, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Chadwick,  A.
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Bergmann, P., Chadwick, A. (2015): Volumetric Inference of CO2 at Sleipner Using 4D Seismic Time-shifts - Papers, The Third Sustainable Earth Sciences Conference and Exhibition (Celle, Germany 2015).

A method for volumetric estimation of subsurface fluid substitution is presented that relies on the analysis of 4D seismic time-shifts. Since time-shifts cannot resolve for fluid saturation and layer thickness simultaneously without additional constraints, mass estimates are derived from the complete set of possible fluid saturations and layer thicknesses. The method considers velocity-saturation relationships that range from uniform saturation to patchy saturation. Based on a generalized velocity-saturation relationship that is parameterized by the degree of patchiness, explicit upper and lower fluid mass bounds are provided. We show that the inherent ambiguity between fluid saturation and layer thickness has a severe impact on the convergence of these mass bounds. That is, roughly linear velocity-saturation relationships with patchy saturation tend to provide significantly better accuracy in a mass interpretation than the strongly non-linear velocity-saturation relationships associated with homogeneous saturation. The method is validated at the Sleipner storage site, where injected fluid masses are known. Moreover, a linear relationship between 4D time-shifts and injected mass is observed, suggesting that the evolving patterns of fluid saturation and fluid mixing in the CO2 plume at Sleipner have remained roughly constant with time.