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MIIC: Monitoring and Imaging Based on Interferometric Concepts


Sens-Schönfelder,  C.
2.4 Seismology, 2.0 Physics of the Earth, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Flores-Estrella,  Hortencia
External Organizations;


Gassenmeier,  Martina
2.4 Seismology, 2.0 Physics of the Earth, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Korn,  Michael
External Organizations;

Köllner,  Florian
External Organizations;


Milkereit,  C.
2.1 Physics of Earthquakes and Volcanoes, 2.0 Physics of the Earth, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Niederleithinger,  Ernst
External Organizations;


Parolai,  Stefano
EWS Centre for Early Warning, Geoengineering Centres, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;


Pilz,  M.
EWS Centre for Early Warning, Geoengineering Centres, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Pomponi,  Eraldo
External Organizations;

Schuck,  Andreas
External Organizations;

Thiemann,  Katja
External Organizations;

Völkel,  Jürgen
External Organizations;

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Sens-Schönfelder, C., Flores-Estrella, H., Gassenmeier, M., Korn, M., Köllner, F., Milkereit, C., Niederleithinger, E., Parolai, S., Pilz, M., Pomponi, E., Schuck, A., Thiemann, K., Völkel, J. (2014): MIIC: Monitoring and Imaging Based on Interferometric Concepts. - In: Weber, M., Münch, U. (Eds.), Tomography of the Earth’s Crust: From Geophysical Sounding to Real-Time Monitoring, (Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences; GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Science Report; No. 21 ), Cham : Springer International Publishing, 43-61.
The capability of seismic interferometry to create virtual sources atreceiver sites from records of ambient seismic noise is used for seismic monitoringand tomography of different targets.We present hardware developed specificallyfor the needs of seismic data acquisition in the context of monitoring and ambientnoise tomography. Digitizers are capable of continuous recording and real timewireless data transmission in self organizing meshes to allow for robust telemetry indifficult circumstances such as cities or landslides that may cause the loss of stations.A software tool is described that implements required processing and analysis proceduresfor the interferometric processing.We have applied the novel 3Dambient noisesurface wave tomography approach to the Issyk-Ata fault in Kyrgyzstan. It showsthat seismic interferometry can successfully be used for structural investigations onlength scales of only 100 m. The method uses 3D sensitivity kernels for a singlestepinversion of phase velocity dispersion curves for subsurface S-wave velocitystructure and incorporates topography. We recover lateral differences in sedimentvelocities and an offset of the bedrock depth across the fault. Applications of interferometricmonitoring to the geological CO2 storage test site in Ketzin (Germany)and to the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Reunion island) emphasize the valueof this approach. At Ketzin site we identify variations of the subsurface velocitiesthat are correlated with changes in the ground water level and mask potential signalsfrom the reservoir depth. At Piton de la Fournaise volcano, seismic velocity changesare linked to volcanic processes as shown by comparison with surface displacementand seismicity that are typically used to characterize volcanic activity.We observe aclear distinction between phases of inflation prior to eruptions and deflation duringperiods of quiescence.