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Accessing European Strong-Motion Data: An Update on ORFEUS Coordinated Services


Lanzano,  Giovanni
External Organizations;

Luzi,  Lucia
External Organizations;

Cauzzi,  Carlo
External Organizations;

Bienkowski,  Jarek
External Organizations;


Bindi,  Dino
2.6 Seismic Hazard and Risk Dynamics, 2.0 Geophysics, Departments, GFZ Publication Database, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;

Clinton,  John
External Organizations;

Cocco,  Massimo
External Organizations;

D’Amico,  Maria
External Organizations;

Douglas,  John
External Organizations;

Faenza,  Licia
External Organizations;

Felicetta,  Chiara
External Organizations;

Gallovic,  František
External Organizations;

Giardini,  Domenico
External Organizations;

Ktenidou,  Olga-Joan
External Organizations;

Lauciani,  Valentino
External Organizations;

Manakou,  Maria
External Organizations;

Marmureanu,  Alexandru
External Organizations;

Maufroy,  Emeline
External Organizations;

Michelini,  Alberto
External Organizations;

Özener,  Haluk
External Organizations;

Puglia,  Rodolfo
External Organizations;

Rupakhety,  Rajesh
External Organizations;

Russo,  Emiliano
External Organizations;

Shahvar,  Mohammad
External Organizations;

Sleeman,  Reinoud
External Organizations;

Theodoulidis,  Nikolaos
External Organizations;

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Lanzano, G., Luzi, L., Cauzzi, C., Bienkowski, J., Bindi, D., Clinton, J., Cocco, M., D’Amico, M., Douglas, J., Faenza, L., Felicetta, C., Gallovic, F., Giardini, D., Ktenidou, O.-J., Lauciani, V., Manakou, M., Marmureanu, A., Maufroy, E., Michelini, A., Özener, H., Puglia, R., Rupakhety, R., Russo, E., Shahvar, M., Sleeman, R., Theodoulidis, N. (2021 online): Accessing European Strong-Motion Data: An Update on ORFEUS Coordinated Services. - Seismological Research Letters.

Strong groundmotion records and free open access to strong-motion data repositories are fundamental inputs to seismology, engineering seismology, soil dynamics, and earthquake engineering science and practice. This article presents the current status and outlook of the Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology (ORFEUS) coordinated strong-motion seismology services, namely the rapid raw strong-motion (RRSM) and the engineering strong-motion (ESM) databases and associated web interfaces andwebservices.We compare and discuss the role and use of these two systems using theMw 6.5 Norcia (Central Italy) earthquake that occurred on 30 October 2016 as an example of a well-recorded earthquake that triggered major interest in the seismological and earthquake engineering communities. The RRSM is a fully automated system for rapid dissemination of earthquake shaking information, whereas the ESM provides qualitychecked, manually processed waveforms and reviewed earthquake information. The RRSM uses only data from the European Integrated Waveform Data Archive, whereas the ESM also includes offline data from other sources, such as the ITalian ACcelerometric Archive (ITACA). Advanced software tools are also included in the ESM to allow users to process strong-motion data and to select ground-motion waveform sets for seismic structural analyses. The RRSM and ESM are complementary services designed for a variety of possible stakeholders, ranging fromscientists to the educated general public. The RRSM and ESM are developed, organized, and reviewed by selected members of the seismological community in Europe, including strong-motion data providers and expert users. Global access and usage of the data is encouraged. The ESM is presently the reference database for harmonized seismic hazard and risk studies in Europe. ORFEUS strong-motion data are open, “Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable,” and accompanied by licensing information. The users are encouraged to properly cite the data providers, using the digital object identifiers of the seismic networks.