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FoMapS: Seismic investigation of the Fogo magmatic plumbing system, Cape Verde, using multi-array techniques


Wölbern,  I.
GEOFON, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;
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Rümpker,  G.
GEOFON, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum;
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Wölbern, I., Rümpker, G. (2020): FoMapS: Seismic investigation of the Fogo magmatic plumbing system, Cape Verde, using multi-array techniques.

Volcanic eruptions are regularly observed on the island of Fogo, Cape Verde, with an average re-occurrence interval of ca. 20 years. However, the structure and extent of the related volcanic plumbing system are not well understood. Previous studies have investigated earthquakes related to magmatic processes connected with the Fogo volcano using conventional network configurations. Seismicity has been reported to occur mainly southwest of the island of Brava while a more recent study reports on activity focussed between Brava and Fogo. Multi-array seismology has the potential to significantly reduce the localization errors of seismic events in particular for those outside a station network and to lower the detection threshold. The subject of this study is the investigation of the local volcano-related seismicity applying multi-array methods which is a unique task amongst the research activities at German universities. The scientific aims are (a) to precisely map local events to constrain the structure of and the dynamic processes within the volcanic plumbing system, (b) to image the magma source region below the Fogo volcano using reflected and backscattered waves, and (c) to localize low-frequency volcanic tremor events. Waveform data are available from the GEOFON data centre, under network code 9J, and are embargoed until February 2022.